ThePlaneSense® program is adding three new PC-12s, Growing your fleet to 35. We’re also adding two Nextant 400XTi jets to our core fleet.
Photo credit: Steve Logan
The program will be bringing on the Nextant 400XTi as a stepping stone toward the imminent delivery of the first fractionally owned jet in the PlaneSense® program, the Pilatus PC-24 expected in 2017. Our intent in purchasing the 400XTis is to provide enhanced owner services.
With the arrival of the first jet, we will be coordinating with our FAA regulators, updating manuals, and also conducting training to obtain required jet certifications. Upon the arrival of the second 400XTi (later this fall), we will be able to speak more specifically about how these PC-12s will enhance the PlaneSense program.
Find out how a share in the PlaneSense® fractional ownership program combines freedom of movement with peace of mind.